Reviews & Testimonials
We frequently get asked “Do you have any testimonials?” or “Where can I read some reviews by Letterjoy customers?” Since our founding in 2017, hundreds of customers have tweeted about their Letterjoy experience or written in with reviews and testimonials.
On this page, we’ve gathered a few dozen of our favorite customer tweets and letters for your perusal.
Looking to submit your own? We’d love to hear from you.

Tweets from Letterjoy Customers
My fiance got me a subscription to @Letterjoy and it's always such a treat.
— Josh Perera (@sahntijosh) April 3, 2021
Comes every week. The past 2 have been incredible. One from a Union officer during the Civil War dealing with unrest the draft caused. The other from an Officer during WW1 implementing the Espionage Act
Look @LayserTax - where does this leave me. I just got a @letterjoy about Civil War balloons and am on a high...
— Nikki Usher (@nikkiusher) February 9, 2019
my sister and I got my dad a @Letterjoy subscription for Father’s Day and it’s been such a nice success so far
— Rachel Cohen (@rmc031) July 21, 2020
First @DearLetterJoy arrived last night and it was absolutely cooler than expected! 👏 Way timely William Jennings Bryan passage + notes and follow-up info on historical context. Huge fan and highly recommend to other paper/history/writing #nerds like @JohnWWoodward! 🤓💌
— Kristin Woodward (@wordgirl) January 5, 2019
My annual subscription to by @Letterjoy is money well spent.
— Stuart Bowles (@CsBowles) November 11, 2020
My annual subscription to by @Letterjoy is money well spent.
— Stuart Bowles (@CsBowles) November 11, 2020
If you are looking for a great holiday gift for someone in politics or who likes history I have really enjoyed @Letterjoy. They send you a historical letter each week and they are fascinating. One week might be from a WWII general & the next week about natural ice in the 1920s
— John Anzalone (@JohnAnzo) November 23, 2020
Pretty cool to get a letter from one of your heros even if it is 120 years old! #TR@pomdr@tmcdon3@Letterjoy
— Matt Pomara - MMP (@pomara_matt) October 8, 2020
We did the Letterjoy thing as a Christmas gift (thanks @pearkes) for our son, and I’m definitely the biggest beneficiary. I read them aloud to the whole family, in the accent/voice I imagine each author would have had. 🙃
— Stephanie Kelton (@StephanieKelton) March 21, 2019
Got my first @Letterjoy in the mail today, and have to say it’s pretty awesome... this is a reprint of a letter from John Adams to James Warren regarding the Boston Tea Party
— Dan Daley (@DanDaley) May 19, 2020
I was given this for Christmas last year and I loved it so much I got my dad a 3 month for Fathers Day. Worth the money for a history buff.
— Beth Mathey (@bethmathey) December 8, 2019
Gave this to my husband as a Fsther’s Day gift. He looks forward to it every week. Not your textbook history. Really interesting stuff. Saving each one and going to put them in a binder. Thanks for a great gift for a history buff and love of words the old fashioned way!!
— Liz Ryan (@lryan11435) July 19, 2018
Did you know that there was a Women’s Land Army of America? I didn’t. This was one of my favorite @Letterjoy letters. #LadyPosse #agriculture #agtwitter
— Cami Ryan, PhD (@CamiDRyan) December 2, 2019
Gotta say... I got these for my hubby's birthday this year. We love them! He saves them and they are so relavant to today's political environment. Always an interesting read.
— Jack (@jackfla93474345) December 24, 2019
Got this for my Dad and he loves it. Cool idea, thanks for doing it.
— Jake Shellinsky (@JShellinsky) May 21, 2019
We have received our third letter. My husband loves them !! As do I. Especially appreciate the postscript. This is a great gift - to someone else or for yourself. Will definitely be renewing and making a list for gifts.
— Suzanne Church (@suzanne97694868) June 2, 2019
Not a dad, but I purchased a year for my sister for her birthday. She is a historian and not physically well. Every week she receives the new one she up and just delights in the contents of each letter.
— Covfefe "AUM MANI PADME WTF?" LePew (@RinzenLhamo) June 16, 2019
What a great idea for anyone who would like to experience history. Thanks!
Testimonial: Got this for my dad, a big history buff. He loved them, three-hole-punches then and keeps them in a binder on his bookshelf. And they arrive like clockwork
— Den “It’s almost October!” Shewman 🎃 (@denshewman) May 2, 2019
My wife signed me up for these letters.
— Jon C (@JonC17115069) March 28, 2019
The first to arrive, addressed to me, so I read it.
It was a letter from A. Lincoln to a close friend. Very impressive the historical records they have kept.
This service is great, and your learn without trying.
we ordered these for my father in law and they are awesome! he's loved them!
— blithechick (@blithechick) March 27, 2019
These are legitimately great and made a great gift. The only promoted tweet I've ever seen worth a damn.
— Greg DeMatteo (@GregDeMatteo) March 7, 2019
I bought my husband a three month subscription for Christmas and it's one of his all time favorite gifts from me. Thank you!
— Free Range Book Dragon Jen (@NJ_Bookworm) March 20, 2019
Celebrating #NationalDrinkWineDay with my friends @Letterjoy
— Rustado (Rusty) (@rustados_unidos) February 19, 2019
One of the best presents my husband has ever given me!
— Meghan Sharp (@NWMSharpieRocks) February 3, 2019
I received this as a Christmas gift and love the letters—3 so far—about different historical moments in our country. Great gift for political science and history buffs!
— Ann C. (@Cowps11) February 5, 2019
I got a subscription to @letterjoy for Christmas (and it’s awesome). The first letter I received was William Jennings Bryan’s letter to the president of the Jackson Club, and it references this.
— Joe Cunningham (@JoePCunningham) January 10, 2019
1/2: @Letterjoy my dad loves his Christmas gift: “I’m really enjoying the letters. They tie in with a number of things I’m reading; either back up the stories or give another perspective. So far: 1851 Cal gold rush, Wm Jennings Bryant (3-time pres candidate),
— Lauren Baxter (@lggbaxt) February 1, 2019
@DearLetterJoy the letter I received Friday from William Jennings Bryan was very interesting and cool because my name sake comes from my great grandfather who was named after William Jennings Bryan, keep up the good work, I look forward to the next letter.
— Dread (@Wboyanton_) January 6, 2019
Got my dad @DearLetterJoy for his birthday, and the first one arrived today. Heard from him right away - he loved it! He went out to get a binder so he can catalog them each week. Awesome gift! 📝📨📬👍👍
— Andrew Lehrer (@alehrerESD) January 5, 2019
Just opened up the second installment of this super nerdy and great Christmas gift. Thanks @npishak! And thanks @DearLetterJoy!
— Alejandro Alves (@AlvesAA) January 6, 2019
I got this for the hubs last year and it has been fantastic! Loads of learning and fun reading the letters together. +1 for this gift!!
— Jana Eggers (@jeggers) December 22, 2018
@DearLetterJoy you have made @nikkiusher very.... erm... joyful :)
— Michelle Layser (@LayserTax) January 3, 2019
I recommend these to everyone! They are incredibly well done and so fun to receive.
— JenMiamiMom (@Jennife25483821) November 20, 2018
Love. @DearLetterJoy
— Jamie (@jcoop249) November 25, 2018
Thanks to the customer who sent us this wonderful feedback today. This is what fuels us 😊
— Letterjoy (@Letterjoy) September 13, 2018
@DearLetterJoy my father (95 years old) really enjoys his letters. Received his first one after Father's Day and looks forward each week to the next one. Great gift idea!
— Robert Kimball (@robert_kimball) July 21, 2018
Gave Letterjoy to my Dad for Father’s Day. He loves the letters. Best gift I ever gave him!
— Lisa (@LisaLak27) July 14, 2018
Among the bills in today’s mail was a treasure: my first letter from @DearLetterJoy! Nothing quite like history arriving at your doorstep in such a personal way.
— Beth's Travels (@BethALewallen) June 18, 2018
That’s what we found so fascinating- we didn’t know about the feud but the accompanying letter explained it. We googled it further, very interesting. These letters rock.
— JenMiamiMom (@Jennife25483821) April 7, 2018
For Valentine's Day I got Fritz a @DearLetterJoy subscription and if you're into historical letters about rotating themes I have to recommend it coz it's one of the better gifts I've given. Super interesting stuff, mailed to you in the mail like the real mail of days past 📪💌
— Bob Fosse Superfan (@KolleenCarney) March 29, 2018
Got our first one yesterday! My 12 year old history obsessed son loved it. It’s not just the letter- it’s the info that comes with it. My son is on Scholar Bowl and he sees these as a treasure trove of info. Took it to school today to share with team. Thank you!!
— JenMiamiMom (@Jennife25483821) March 7, 2018
It’s here! My 1st @DearLetterJoy letter arrived! It’s from Wilbur Wright to the Smithsonian re: the viability of flight. Companion piece gives historical context. Excited to share w/ students & see next week’s letter! @SteveHindman1 @coachpierro @awarrington12 @msmrocks #grhs_pln
— Denise Kane (@DeniseRKane) March 7, 2018
Got this for my grandpa for Christmas last year...he loved it! He was really bummed when his letters ended though 😢
— Shawna 🤙🏼 (@strumbellina) June 16, 2019
I bought a 3 month subscription for my husband at Christmas. He LOVED it!
— Lynn Nackers (@italianmama2) June 13, 2019
My daughter got this for me. It was fun and interesting!
— VATCGuy🎤 (@vatcguy) June 11, 2019
My husband said this is the best Father’s Day gift he has ever gotten. He love the letters!!!
— Susan (@SusieQknows) June 11, 2019
I bought a subscription for my 80 year old dad and stepmom for Christmas and they are loving them.
— PNW Shan ⚔ (@PNWShan) June 11, 2019
I gifted these letters to my aunt and uncle for Christmas last year ~ They loved them 🙌🏼‼️ ~ Great unique gift 🎁
— Hope (@HopeBrazzell) June 9, 2019